
Immediately legal with a shelf company.

In order to be ready to go straight away, we and our partners always have shelf companies ready for you.

None of the companies has yet carried out any business activity. So you are literally “virgin” and not pre-charged - but already entered in the commercial register, usually have a bank account and a tax number.

Therefore, you save yourself the wait for the entry and can usually have your own company and get started within 24 hours (on weekdays).

There are no hidden costs or pitfalls. Just let us know which type of company is interesting for you and we will send you all the details about the available companies. As soon as you have made up your mind, we will reserve the company and arrange a notary appointment immediately.

After signing and paying the purchase price, the company is yours and you can start immediately.

The purchase prices as follows:

  • UG (limited liability) from 1.340 euros
  • GmbH from 27.880 euros
  • KG from 1.490 euros
  • UG & Co.KG from 2.670 euros
  • GmbH & Co. KG from 29.900 euros
  • AG from 59.500 euros

All companies (usually) have their own bank account to which the share capital has already been paid. The acquisition of this account is of course already included in the purchase price and will be overwritten for the buyer.

The companies are of different ages - some have been for several years and have different levels of share capital. The prices mentioned should therefore serve as a first orientation. Please request an up-to-date overview of the available companies in order to get all the details.

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