
Post box vs. address that can be summoned – what’s the difference?

A PO Box is an address provided by the Postal Service to receive mail. In contrast, a serviceable address is an address where a person or business can be legally contacted and receive legal documents and court orders.

A PO Box is not a serviceable address as it does not have a specific physical address and therefore cannot be used as an address for legal purposes. If a business requires a summons address, it must provide a physical address where it can be legally contacted.

A serviceable address is important because it ensures that a company or person can be legally contacted and can receive important documents such as court orders, reminders and other important documents. It is also important that the serviceable address is accurate and up-to-date as changes must be reported to ensure the business or individual remains legally contactable.

In many cases, a company needs both a PO Box and a summonable address in order to receive business mail and be legally reachable. In this case, a virtual office or business address provider can be a solution as they can offer a serviceable address and PO Box.

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