
Entries of Lilly Ritter

GmbH - 5 steps for successful business development

According to Statista, there were 2018 corporations in the year 720.000 in Germany alone, which includes the GmbH. The "limited liability company" connects banks, companies and individuals with security and liquidity. In today's article, we address the question of how to set up a GmbH and what conditions, advantages and disadvantages brings such a foundation with it.

Discrete business registration via the Businesscenter Niederrhein

According to the Statista Research Department, there were over half a million business founders in Germany last year alone. They all had to decide whether to run their business or their freelance work via their private address, rent an expensive office or use a virtual business address. The Niederrhein Business Center is the first point of contact [...]

Working in the home office: The legal situation

More and more people in Germany are longing for a better balance between work and family. Working in the home office can make these wishes come true and allow professional flexibility. In today's article we deal with the current German legal situation regarding teleworking and provide you with a small overview of the advantages of working from home. [...]

Costs and persons responsible for activities in the home office

Thanks to advancing digitization, more and more people are able to work at least partially from home. Currently there are already 20% of employees who at least partially have a mobile job. This has been proven to have a positive effect on the productivity and satisfaction of employees and promotes a better balance between family and work. [...]

Rent business address - your way to professional independence

Do you want to found a company or already have one, but want to separate private and business matters and are now looking for the optimal solution? "Business Center Niederrhein" now offers you the opportunity to rent a virtual business address on the Niederrhein in the middle of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolis. So you can have your mail delivered to the rented address and include it in invoices and [...]

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