
A search engine is an online tool used to search the Internet for relevant information. With the help of search engines, users can search for web pages, images, videos, products, services and many more by typing in search terms or keywords. Most search engines use complex algorithms to generate relevant search results based on various factors such as content relevance, authority, freshness and popularity.

The most popular search engines include Google, Bing, and Yahoo, but there are many others that cater specifically to specific niches or languages. Most search engines also offer additional features such as image search, news search, maps and translations. Effective use of search engines is crucial for many businesses and individuals to get found online and expand their reach.

Below you will find an example list of search engines in alphabetical order. The list offers no guarantee of completeness.

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Besides Google There are other important directories and platforms you should list a business in to improve SEO rankings. These include, for example Bing Places, Yelp, Apple Maps, Facebook Places, foursquare, Und TripAdvisor.

These directories each have a large user base and can help potential customers find and contact the business online. However, it is important to ensure that company data is consistent and up-to-date in each directory to avoid customer confusion.

The ones mentioned here should only give you a first impression. There are, of course, numerous other providers whose listing here would be too extensive.

Freelancers are self-employed persons who carry out freelance work, which is usually in scientific, artistic or consulting fields. Typical examples are doctors, lawyers, architects, journalists or even designers. In contrast to commercial entrepreneurs, freelancers in Germany are subject to special regulations and laws that differ from the regulations for tradespeople (in particular with regard to trade tax liability).

This includes, for example, the distinction between freelance and commercial activity, the exemption from trade tax liability, the possibility of building reserves and the special obligation to be insured in the statutory pension insurance system. Further details are regulated in the income tax law and in the trade regulations.

In order to be able to practice freelance work and protect your private address, you can create a summonsable Rent business address.





An Business address is a physical address used by businesses, freelancers, solo self-employed and small business owners to receive and send mail and communications. It offers numerous advantages such as the separation of private and business mail, a physical address for local search results and Google My Business, the possibility of use as a virtual office and protection of the privacy and anonymity of business owners. A business address can also serve as a domicile address for trademark and patent applications, reducing the risk of theft or vandalism at a home address. It is also used for business registration and can be entered in the commercial register and serves as the company headquarters for the tax office to apply for the tax number and sales tax identification number (VAT ID number).

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